Choosing Custom Website Design Over a Website Template

There are many reasons to choose a custom website design, and there are many ways that this can benefit your company. Learning more about this practice can help your business stand out from your competitors. Below are just a few key points to mull over.

Top 3 reasons to choose custom website design over a template.

Website templates might seem like a quick and cheap method of putting together a website when you first purchase them, but they only allow you to make minor edits like putting in pictures or changing fonts. In short, you get exactly what you pay for with free or cheap website templates. On the contrary, investing in a custom designed website from a Las Vegas website development agency who lives eats and breaths the creative process will allow you to showcase your business with unique branding. Would you choose to wear a one-size-fits-all suit to a business meeting? Well,  why would you use a website template that has been used thousands of times before to represent yourself on the world wide web?


1. Custom website design is easy – With the right agency partner.

Designing a custom website is a fun and easy process, especially if you employ the help of an expert website development agency. Hmmm…. good thing I have the number handy of one who can do this for you. By working closely with an agency who is focused on best practices and incorporating website development solutions to gain results you seek, you’ll get a website that builds you business. Sure there are thousands of templates available on the Internet. Even so,  it is still often impossible to find the perfect template to showcase your unique outline of business offerings. Working from a blank slate and building a custom website design allows you to craft a website that is all about your brand rather than adapting someone else’s website template to accommodate as best as possible.

2. Website templates are designed to sell themselves, not your business.

Templates may be cheap, but because they are widely available, the popular ones are often used over and over again. Often times, a template can be quite captivating because of the unlimited photography and perfect amounts of content for each section so that everything lines up just so so. BUT wait, now you are ready to upload your real content and all of the sudden the 10 word lines are 22 words and wrapping 3 lines deep. Not near as pretty when you plug in the real text that needs to clearly explain what your business offers. If you can write the same amount of content for each section that is shown on the mock up dummy template, you’ll be fine. BUT what are the odds of this occuring?

On another note, templates can also be less SEO friendly.  Templates are designed to sell themselves rather than your business, oftentimes they will even incorporate links back to the theme builders. We typically go in and remove as much of this as we can if so. Custom websites are SEO friendly because the code is unique and without unnecessary links. The efficacy of your SEO will allow you to reach your target audience easier too. A custom website is built to deliver an experience that will end in converting sales. We understand that investing in a custom website design may be a stretch for young or start up businesses. We just like to be upfront about the differences in buying a template and what to expect in the end results.

3. A custom website design is a powerful marketing tool.

In our eyes a custom website design is the only way to go. Of course we are biased because we build beautiful custom websites day in and day out. A custom website allows you to brand your online presence and wrap up your online marketing strategy in one powerful package. When you work with a creative design agency who specializes in delivering top-notch website development it is a fun and rewarding experience. After all aren’t you looking to give your business a step up from the competition? Then go for the gusto and let’s get that custom website design in order. We’re here when you’re ready.

Note about the author: As core founder and Creative Director at TMC, Jami Teer-Murphy leads all branding and marketing strategy efforts. She has a broad multidisciplinary background and over twenty years of advertising industry experience. Though beginning her ad biz journey designing in traditional mediums, Jami embraces all things digital and in a big way. When she’s not creating visual brand communication magic, Jami can be found reading, attending a seminar or blogging about it. She affectionately refers to this behavior as her own form of “OCD” (Obsessive Creative Disorder).
